Tuesday, January 7, 2020


This is a demonic event Come to the truth = Orthodox.- Evangelicals - Protestants - By what we are saying below, we do not intend to raise any individual with a different doctrine or belief. Our ultimate goal is a valuable adversary people far better than our Orthodox. These people, such as "we are creatures and images of God, respectful, despite the differences of views and positions that may exist between us." The reason for the creation of the second form of the ancient, fixed secretariat of the Christian Center was the first separation with them. Roman Catholics) were the protection of the well-known German theologian Martin Luther (1517), the vice-president, of the papal leadership. Leo in the 10th, for a pure collection, released the so-called assumptions, contrary to what Christ and the Apostles had given. The so-called subsidies were written that the priest, as successor to the apostle Peter, bought such a paper, took pardon for the sins you committed in 5 years or to pay more, cannot sin and years similar ... The box is stains , the clergy of that time had reached a point where it was dominated by a moon, some claiming to be part of Archangel Michael's wings during the fall of the Angels in battle with Lucifer! Luther was a monk in the monastery of Augustine in Erfurt, but despite the promises and promises of generosity and virginity to God and men, he married another mother (occupied with the same power) by Catherine Bora of whom they had 6 sons and 6 ! The mistakes, unfortunately, had ... The 450 pieces ... The original line change and Martin Luther's reform are expanding with new reactions and other reform theologians, such as Zinblios and Calvinus. Unfortunately, although the protests were initially justified, the reports that only Orthodoxy was countless truths, retaining the ancient line rather than returning to Orthodoxy, created their own confession, which they called "Church" ... Internal disputes so expanded so that today, in 2004, the "Churches", fighting for "truth and faith ...", despite the fact that Christ founded only one Church and this salvation of people. Today the famous protests of the Jews in Greece are: Evangelical - Presbyterian, Lutheran, Bishop, Baptist, Methodist, Mormon, Adventist, Seventh Day CH.OE - ChristianPeace Tour, Church of the Holy Sepulcher "World Church" , "Church" of God, Bible "Theotokos", based in Michigan, University Church of Greece Church "Aparaplaniti" God, Church of God Holstein, Pentecostals and the Free Apostolic "Church" of Pentecostal Pentecostal that the grab Christians will be made before the accession of the Antichrist, and thus leaves people disobedient, so that in those difficult days, they will find surprises for them, even leading them to receive the Antichrist instead of the Lord Jesus Christ, as they wait for the Lord, and The claim that Christians will be withdrawn into the Great Tribulation because they will crumble before the Antichrist has emerged has not been established by the Bible. The truth is that Christians will go through the Great Tribulation and during the period of the Antichrist's domination. This is clearly stated by the Bible

Pentecostalism, also because of its belief that people today can
have the same gifts that the Apostles had... Benny Hinn and whoever these "healers" are, he's sort of
the prototypical healer today, it started out with A. A. Allen, and Oral Roberts, and down to Morris
Cerullo, and on and on it goes...Jim & Tammy Baker, Jimmy Swaggert (caught multiple times with
prostitutes) and Benny Hinn. He is the latest edition of con artists in that area. Tele-evangelizing the
bizarre idea that they believe that they could do what the
Apostles did: they have the power to heal, the power to cast
out disease.
On Television and live,
people heard and saw Benny
Hinn say that, “If you have
somebody in your family
die. Leave their body in the
living room, take their body
over to the TV, drape their
arms over the TV, because
God is going use me to raise
the dead through the television!" There could not be a more
insensitive and bizarre thing for a man to do, than to have some poor
bereaved person drag the corpse of their family member and drape them over the television, under
some bizarre illusion that Benny Hinn is going to heal them through the TV set!!
But that is only the extreme form of cruelty. There is a cruelty that goes along day after day, week
after week, with this bizarre expectation of healing, and then this false staging of supposed healings,
that continue to raise people's hopes, and all that does is create false hopes that are dashed to pieces.
And much of the fallout of that movement is people who reject the gospel, reject Christ, because they
didn't get what they were promised they would get.
The defining elements of Pentecostalism and what gives it its
identity are unbiblical. Also the leaders of those people who purvey
and ply the trade, particularly in the media, know they are deceivers,
and they are very effective at it--raising millions of dollars. A con
artist and business preacher like Joyce Meyer makes no less than
$900,000 a year... One such preacher alone, T. D. Jakes, took in,
personally, last year, 63 million dollars! They are trading on certain
desperation. That's why Jesus, when He sent out the Seventy, said,
"go and heal, but take no money". Luke 9:3. If you can heal people--you can be instantly rich. People
get instantly rich who can't heal, but pretend they can.
It would be fair to say that somewhere in that movement there is a true body of believers, not to be
confused with the Movement, which is full of schemers, dreamers, and con men, and people with
aberrant theology, and false teachers who take advantage of people. And then people in the middle:
there's the heretics of the Word-Faith Movement: People like Fred Price, Kenneth Copeland,
Kenneth Hagin, Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyer, etcetera, who have an aberrant view of the nature of
Christ. They are the ones who say, that on the cross Jesus became a sinner, had to go to hell and
suffer for His sins for three days, and then the Father let Him come out of hell, and that is when He
was raised. They turned Jesus the Son of God and the second Person of the Holy Trinity into a sinner
who had to be punished for sin. This is a true heresy and cultism and a frightening view of Christ.
Also, Kenneth Copeland once said, "That Jesus wasn't any more God than he is!"
Church services are very informal, avoiding the Divine Liturgy of the original churches. Music is
more of a contemporary nature, and absent is the dry, old fashion singing of hymns nowadays. People
feel free to dance during the service and go to the altar when desired, and praise God in a heavenly
prayer language of 'tongues.' Services tend to be very emotional. Emphasis is put upon Music in
Assemblies of God, as well as the preaching.Pentecostals have no holy spirit but spirits = conclusion

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