Sunday, January 5, 2020

The time of Orthodoxy is near

We know that it is not only natural laws but also spiritual ones. Therefore, the wrath of God cannot be treated by cooperative sinners (because it will become double anger), but by repentance and keeping the commandments of the Lord. Elder Sophrony of Mount Athos (1993) says in Essex, England, as Saint Paul said: "Union of Churches is difficult, if not impossible for them." He speaks of the Union Churches do not know the attitude of the heterodox or of Orthodoxy. above knowledge, advises everyone to be more restrained, for there will be a time when the Lord will present Mark the Citizen and the swift palms to bring together all our brothers kataskandalismena, to confess the Orthodox faith, to impart tradition. and give great joy Mother, basically the old man prophesies a really Orthodox Session Maybe the 8th. Ecumenical Council foretold by Saint Nile Myrovlitis: Then he made the eighth meeting and wants to choose the good from the bad, that is, Orthodoxy, as the farmer chooses wheat from the moth. and then make peace small people again will change the deal to their evil .... Peace in the world can not come without peacemaker, living and non-existent teaching of Orthodoxy. Propagation However, although continued after the city's decline, to some extent, it must be maximized and officially expanded dynamically after World War III as a general war on Saint Aomalia's onomazei. This will be the time of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then people are again lured into evil. that is, Orthodoxy, as the farmer chooses wheat from the moth. and then make peace small people again will change the deal to their evil .... Peace in the world can not come without peacemaker, living and non-existent teaching of Orthodoxy. Propagation However, although continued after the city's decline, to some extent, it must be maximized and officially expanded dynamically after World War III as a general war on Saint Aomalia's onomazei. This will be the time of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then people are again lured into evil. that is, Orthodoxy, as the farmer chooses wheat from the moth. and then make peace small people again will change the deal to their evil .... Peace in the world can not come without peacemaker, living and non-existent teaching of Orthodoxy. Propagation However, although continued after the city's decline, to some extent, it must be maximized and officially expanded dynamically after World War III as a general war on Saint Aomalia's onomazei. This will be the time of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then people are again lured into evil. although continued after the fall of the city, to a certain extent, it must be maximized and formally expanded dynamically after World War III General war as onomazei Saint Cosmas of Aetolia. This will be the time of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then people are again lured into evil. although continued after the fall of the city, to a certain extent, it must be maximized and formally expanded dynamically after World War III General war as onomazei Saint Cosmas of Aetolia. This will be the time of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then people are again lured into evil.

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