Wednesday, January 23, 2019


The third temple is bad. He belongs to Anti Christus. There the Antichrist will perform a second Avertisment of desolation. Whatever it may be. The holy presence of the Gods does not dwell on something so dirty. In crucifixion, God broke the Temple in two to show that he was not there. Jesus also said that the true temple is his body and that he will destroy it and increase it in 3 days. This is the Resurrection. The Jews mock and deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They deny the true temple and have been cut off from God as a result unless they repent and turn to Jesus. The doctrine of the Spirit of God dwells in a stone temple. His Holy Spirit dwells in his true beliefs. GOD IS NOT ISRAELIC!Jewish Kampala:
The Kabbalah contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology and the driving force it needs to deceive the world and keep such a bad coexistence alive in the halls ... Kabbalah is the source of teaching Freedocrats, as well as for the other groups. Kampala: The sacred books of the black magic of Judaism that make up much of the base of the Western secret companies, from the Rosicrucians to the Free Mutect and the OTO. The bell is the same that comes from the magic of ancient Babylon and ... Egyptian Pharaoh. The Kabbalah is a system of Judaic mysticism and magic and is the fundamental element of modern magic. Almost all the great sorcerers and magicians of this century were Kabbalists. - William J. Schnoebelen, The Dark Side of Tectonism Kabbalah is a series of unlikely books that are so demonic and every spell ever made in magic. The Webster Dictionary says Kabbalah is "a secret religious philosophy developed by some Jewish writers

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